Saturday, April 3, 2010

Announcing Our Finalists for the Vivienne Haigh-Wood Prize

Yes, it seems we have 11 finalists rather than 10. What can I say? I was an English, not a math major. OK, that's not quite an excuse, since distinguishing between the numbers 10 and 11 came a bit earlier in my education (say, kindergarten at the latest.) Well, they are 11 great poems, I think, so no regrets on the counting error.
We wish everyone luck with the final selection, which will be announced in the Spring issue, out late in May. The winner and runner-ups will be notified before the issue appears and the prize will be awarded in May.
The finalists are listed in alphabetical order (since I'm fairly confident I've mastered the alphabet, at least ;)

Marcia Arrieta: "Days"
Jessica Cuello: "Donkeyskin" and "In the Spired House"
Deborah DeNicola: "Eve of my Evolution"
Katharyn Howd Machan: "When I Return to Sardinia"
Jane Olmsted: "Imperative"
Lorraine Schein: "The Crystal Fairy Book"
T. Stores: "If My Father Were a New England Poet"
Jari Thymian: "Radish Mother"
Whitney Vaughan: "O Joy, Mouths the Muse to Her Suitor"
Andrea L. Watson: "Reckless Light Ordains Each Leaving"

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